Category: Branding

Logo design trends for 2023

Logo design trends for 2024

Learn the top 2023 logo design trends to keep your brand fresh and relevant in the fast-paced world of brand design.

Meta ads on mobile phone screen illustrating examples of marketing and branding

Branding vs. Marketing: What’s the difference and why it matters

If you’ve ever dipped your toes into the world of business or design, you’ve likely heard the terms “branding” and “marketing” thrown around. They’re often used interchangeably, but here’s the thing: they’re not the same. Understanding the difference between branding and marketing is crucial for anyone looking to build a

A woman holding a pen and notebook thinking of a brand name.

How to create a brand name: A comprehensive guide

Did you know that 77% of consumers make their purchase decisions based on brand names they recognize? That’s a powerful statistic, and it underscores just how crucial your brand name is to your business. It’s the first impression you make and sets the tone for everything your brand represents. It’s

Photo of a brand ambassador woman with bags

What is a Brand Ambassador?

Learn what Brand Ambassadors are and how they can help you drive growth and create a loyal community for your brand.